“Introduction” (Brennan)
Sol’s Rusty Trombone (Album 7)
Title: “Introduction” (Brennan)
0:01 Sol: Ooh, wee, oh boy, look, it’s the big circus Tent. Wee! Wow! Let’s go inside. Please, can we go inside?
0:10 Frank: Alright, alright, pipe down numb nuts, we’re going in.
0:12 Sol: Ooh, Jack, look, look…
0:13 Jack: Yes, yes, I see.
0:15 Frank: I said pipe down you little prick.
0:17 Sol: Ooh, hey, Jesus, Frank, that’s uncalled for. Why do you have to be so damn mean to me?
0:22 Frank: Cuz you’re actin like a jackass. There’s people around watchin and you’re jumpin up and down like an idiot.
0:28 Sol: Well that’s only because I’m so excited, Frank.
0:30 Jack: Come on, Frank, lighten up, he’s just excited, he loves it here.
0:34 Sol: Wow, look over there, they got ring tones!
0:36 Frank: They’re called Jerky Tones, numb nuts.
0:39 Sol: Okay, okay. Voice mails for your cellphone and your home answering machine? This is fantastic.
0:46 Jack: Ooh, you’re right Sol, it really is.
0:48 Frank: Alright, alright, the two of yous, the wandering Jew and the fruity ass bastard, let’s just get on with it.
0:52 Sol: Hey, I found some new Jerky Boys calls, over here by the fat lady. Ooh, get off, get off!
1:01 Frank: “What are you doing, numb nuts? Get up out of there, you horny little prick. Look Jerky, we got voicemails for your home answering machine and cellphone.